Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 1 Day 1 Exercise: 10 x10 Challenge

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it's the only one you have"
—Émile Chartier, French philosopher

(90 min. in class exercise)

You've been hired by a soda company to create the packaging for an affordable organic energy drink. Your target audience is well-off twenty-year-olds.

1. Brainstorm a name and description of the drink through a mind map for 10 minutes

  • Mind Mapping main categories: affordable, organic, energy, drink, 20 y.o.
  • Goal of Mind Mapping: Determine the name of the energy drink, and a brief description of drink

2. You next have 50 minutes to create a hundred thumbnail sketches of the possible energy drink bottle design (take into consideration form factor, typography, iconography, etc).

  • Sketch on a single piece of paper, in a 10 row by 10 column grid (10x10=100 mini sketches)

3. Next, you have 30 minutes to refine the top three thumbnail sketches down into three different final design sketches that incorporate all of your best problem solving to fulfill the clients requirements.

Design concepts for your top three ideas must fit individually on letter or tabloid sized paper

4. Scan all work created for 10x10 exercise (mind mapping, 100 sketches in 10x10 grid, 3 final sketches), save into a single PDF for class presentation. Please also write up a brief summary (2-3 sentences) per image to explain your creative process for this exercise. Each student will present their concepts at start of next class.

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