Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 7 Day 2 - Thursday, Feb 27 - Homework

1. Continue coding development of project 1. Two or three coded sections due for review at start of next class session.

Usability testing scheduled for next Thursday, March 6. 75% of content should be implemented in HTML documents by this time.

Monday, February 24, 2014

CSS3 Transparency + Rotation

CSS3 rules for transparency

opacity: 0.5;  /*value 0-1, all other browsers and IE9+ */
filter: alpha(opacity=50);  /* value 0-100, works in IE6+ */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=50);  /*value 0-100, works in IE6+ */
-ms-filter: ""; /*value 0-100,  this works in IE8 only */

CSS3 rules for rotation

-webkit-transform: rotate(97deg); /*value 0-360, safari and chrome*/
-moz-transform: rotate(97deg); /*value 0-360, firefox*/
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); /*Internet Explorer; only accepts following values, 0, 1, 2, 3 ; 0=0 degree rotation, 1=90 degree rotation, 2=180 degree rotation, 3=270 degree rotation*/

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 6 Day 2 - Thursday, Feb 20 - Homework

1. Continue coding development of project 1. Coded home page due for review at start of next class session.

Usability testing scheduled for Thursday, March 6. 75% of content should be implemented in HTML documents by this time.

CSS3 Resources

CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer {via Smashing Magazine}
CSS3 PIE (Progressive Internet Explorer - IE compatibly for drop shadow, gradient, border radius)

cssSandPaper (CSS3 Javascript Library) - cube transformations
Elliot Jay - Progressive Enhancement  (presentation that addresses the balance between usability and aesthetics, should web design be boring due to cross browser incompatibility)

CSS3 Transitions {via w3schools}
CSS selectors {via w3schools}
CSS3 Tranforms {via cssSandpaper}

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 6 Day 1 - Tuesday, Feb 18 - Homework

1. Make revisions to Proj 1 design layout and prep/optimize imagery and relevant media.  Begin coding development of project 1. First section should be coded in Dreamweaver by end of next class session.

Usability testing scheduled for Thursday, March 6. 75% of content should be implemented in HTML documents by this time.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 5 Day 2 - Thursday, Feb 12 - Homework

1. Continue working on Design comps for Project 1. 

Design critique for Proj 1 scheduled in next class, Tuesday, Feb 18, 8:30am. 

Please save at layout comps for at least six "sections" into a single PDF document and place in Proj 1 Design Submission folder in dropbox by 8:30am next class.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

see.hear.feel. THAT JAZZ | Visual Music Art Installation

Great student art installation going on for one night only during the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival next week on Thursday, Feb 20 from 6-8pm

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 5 Day 1 - Tuesday, Feb 11 - Homework

1. Foundation Class Exercise:

Create a HTML document using the following Foundation components

a) One row with 3 columns (varying in column size), with text and link content. Use the equalizer to maintain equal row height for each column

b) Create a block grid image gallery of 10 images. At least two of those images should be links that when clicked open up a large image and headline text using the reveal modal box. Two additional images should be links that when clicked open up a headline text and two paragraphs using the reveal modal box.

c) Create a navigation with 5 links using the Magellan Sticky Nav  and Scrollspy components.

Exercise to be review at start of next class, Thursday, Feb 13, 8:30am.

2. Continue working on Design comps for Project 1. Be sure to consider layout for both mobile and large screen devices. Design critique for Proj 1 scheduled in next week, Tuesday, Feb 18, 8:30am.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week 4 Day 2 - Thursday, Feb 6 - Homework

1. Continue working on Design comps for Project 1. Be sure to consider layout for both mobile and large screen devices. Design critique for Proj 1 scheduled in 1 1/2 weeks, Tuesday, Feb 18, 8:30am.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 4 Day 1 - Tuesday, Feb 4 - Homework

1. Begin working on Design comps for Project 1. Be sure to consider layout for both mobile and large screen devices. Design critique for Proj 1 rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb 18, 8:30am.

2. Browse through jQuery and Foundation 5 resources, bookmark link (and email to Rachel) to the plugins you would like to cover in class demos next few weeks.

Week 4 Day 1: Responsive Web Design Case Study Discussion

Pick a website from the following list to review in today's class discussion: